Zoonotic Diseases
2018-09-27 Author: Dr. Clarissa G. Noureddine, DVM, MS, MS It’s time for a summary of what’s been in the news about animals this month. As you might recall, our ‘Paws …
2018-09-04 Author: Dr. Clarissa G. Noureddine, DVM, MS, MS Primary Veterinarian: Dr. Waterman Patient: Honee Hollis Breed: English Toy Spaniel Age: 9.5 years old (Honee was 1 year old at …
2018-08-29 Author: Dr. Clarissa G. Noureddine, DVM, MS, MS Welcome to our August 2018 edition of ‘Paws and Learn: August 2018 Animal News Updates’. Take a moment to catch yourself …
2017-09-27 Does your pet need his or rabies vaccine updated? Then join us tomorrow (September 28th) for our annual rabies vaccination clinic in honor of World Rabies Day! Lawndale Veterinary …
2017-09-20 On September 6, our blog focused on protecting your dog against zoonotic diseases. Today, we are going to turn our attention to cats and some of the zoonotic diseases …
2017-09-20 Zoonotic diseases are diseases that can be transmitted between animals and humans. Minimize your dog’s risk of contracting certain zoonotic diseases by doing the following: 1. Vaccinate We are …
2017-05-31 Arthropods include insects as well as arachnids (spiders, ticks, and mites). As summer approaches and pets are spending more time outdoors, make sure you know what to help your …
2016-09-29 For this week’s blog, we decided to take a break from our Allergy Series to wrap up our September ‘Paws to Protect’ topic: Zoonotic Diseases. Lawndale Veterinary Hospital believes …
2016-06-17 Ticks attach to their hosts and take blood meals that can last for days. While attached, ticks have the potential to transmit a variety of diseases to the host. Tick …
2016-03-16 With the beautiful weather we have been having, spring certainly feels near! So don’t forget that amid all the plant life springing up, there are also smaller inhabitants beginning …