Microchipping Your Pet


Does your dog or cat already have a microchip? Then Monday, August 15 is for you – it is National Check the Chip Day. Microchips are only effective when pet owners register the microchip and keep their contact information up-to-date. Check the Chip Day is meant to serve as a reminder for all pet owners to verify their pets’ microchip registration information with the microchip company.

Are you considering a microchip for your pet? Lawndale Veterinary Hospital recommends microchipping all dogs and cats. In the infographic below, you will see that microchipped dogs are more than twice as likely to be returned home, and microchipped cats are more than 20 times as likely to be returned home!

Since we believe that microchipping gives lost pets their best chance of returning home, Lawndale Veterinary Hospital is offering 20% off microchipping next week between August 15th and August 19th. Schedule an appointment today! The procedure is quick and similar to vaccination. Visit our ‘Paws to Protect‘ section on microchipping for more information. You can also visit the AVMA resource page for Check the Chip Day for a list of microchip companies and more great information about microchipping.

Author: Dr. C. Noureddine DVM, MS