Wellness exams are crucial for keeping your pet healthy and identifying problems early. They should be performed at least annually. Older patients or patients with chronic health conditions may benefit from more frequent exams.

During annual physicals, our doctors examine your pet from head to tail. We also want to hear from you about how your pet seems at home in case you have noticed changes or concerns. We will cover all aspects of wellness care recommendations for your pet. If abnormalities are noted, we will discuss the findings with you thoroughly and decide together the best strategy moving forward.

If you are new to our practice, be sure to bring in any medical and vaccine history you have for your pet. It’s best to keep a journal of your pet’s health throughout his or her life, including behavioral shifts. If you have something like this, share it with our team. If not, let us know everything that you think will be important.

For more information about wellness exams, click on a link below.